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What Google will NEVER Know, but Our Students Should
Many students think that the Prophet Google really knows everything. I mean, humanity can easily turn to their web browser for “answers”...
The Importance of Teachers in Googleland
Disneyland is closed and Googleland is open (WIDE open and HEAVILY surfed more than ever before). Both of these places are where dreams...
187 Notifications
I tried it. Just for one day. A student let me hold on to his cell phone from 7:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.. During school hours. Breakfast...
Student Voice Truths around the Holidays
I spoke to some more students last month even though I do so on a daily basis. Students of all ages. Students who all feel the spirit...
A Sure-Fire Way to Increase Student Engagement in Your Classroom
NOTE: The following story is based on a TRUE story, without any embellishment or dramatization: When I was 13 years old, I was walking...
The TOP 10 Things Students HATE about their Schools
I spoke to a bunch of students over the summer at the University at Buffalo—students who just graduated from lots of different high...
Anxiety, Fitting In, and the Emotional Legacy of the Breakfast Club
My son, Eddie, is a 9th grader and he was freaking out last night while studying for his French exam. I asked him about his anxiety and...
Adversity and Whiskey in Education
Meet Ralph. Ralph was one of the hundreds of school leaders that we interviewed for our book, Escaping the School Leader’s Dunk Tank. ...
The Resurrection of the #2 Pencil and Pen
I overhead two teachers talking about their classrooms at a local Tim Horton’s near my house. I couldn’t help myself, but I had to...
Self-Reflection for Educators from NIKE
I haven’t blogged in a while, mostly because I am dead tired by the end of the day as I started a new job back in the classroom this year...
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